Saturday 2 May 2015

Mad Max (1979)

With two weeks before Mad Max Fury Foad (2015) is released, I have decided to review the original trilogy of movies in honour of it. So let's rev our engines and begin.

Mad Max is an Australian movie set in the near future.

Mel Gibson plays the titular Max, an officer (bronze) with the MFD who drives one of their interceptors. Max has a loving wife and child. He is seeking to retire from his job in order to live the quiet life with them.

To solely base this review on the character of Max would be unfair as in its hearts, Mad Max is an ensemble piece.  It takes the characters that surround Max and uses them to highlight the different facets of his life. Goose, his partner in the MFD, represents Max's desire to be a cop, while his wife Jessie represents his happiness and stability.

I am going to post a spoiler here, as the movie came out in 1979. As he loses each of these characters, he loses what they represent to him.

The villains in the piece, the motorcycle gang names the Acolytes are delightfully kooky, each member manages to have their own personality. The highlights of this gang for me are the faithful second Bubba Zanetti and the charismatic leader Toecutter.

Toecutters charisma oozes off the screen. It is difficult not to be enamoured by his natural persuasiveness.

Regarding the story, it is a typical police fair, someone who wants to get out but keeps getting dragged back in. 

The story is heightened by the setting and incredible cinematography. It nailed its characters in such a way that the world feels lived in. You can feel the breaking of society at its hinges. This feeling makes Mad Max feel like an origin story. The creation of a legend.

This feeling is only highlighted when the V8 is introduced. It is set as the potential final final vehicle.

For an origin, this is one of the greatest origin that I have watched in a while. The story is simple, but the purpose of that is to help build the world and the characters. 

This is a great origin story for hero. Something to definitely watch.

Number of times I looked at my watch: Zero

Recommendation: Give a watch before watching the other Mad Max movies. 

All feedback is welcome, have a great day.

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