Monday 10 August 2015

Fantastic Four (2015)

Fantastic Four is a superhero film with some horror elements.

Fantastic Four is an origin story for the titular team of heroes: Reed Richards (Miles Teller), Sue Storm (Kate Mara), Johnny Storm (Michael B. Jordan) and Ben Grimm (Jamie Bell).

For the opening act, this casts works alongside Franklin Storm (Reg E. Cathey) and Victor Von Doom (Toby Kebbell).

In all actuality, this was not a bad movie. The characters were well realised, and the psychological impact on the characters just discovering who they are was interesting.

This film shines when it focuses on the character relationships and darker aspects. Seeing as this is an origin movie, it is nice to see hints at how all of the relationships will develop over time. These relationships help provide genuine feelings of family, with hints of friendship.

At times, Fantastic Four felt uneven. In an essence, there was a good film here, but it was buried amongst moments of pure cheese.

The cinematography in this movie managed to demonstrate competency, especially with the darker parts. However, the majority of the film didn't pop. I know the word "pop" is not a useful or usual word, but it's the only way to describe a film where the visuals didn't stand out at all times.

The funny thing is that there are two moments in this movie which stand out, unfortunately those two moments are surrounded by blah. This detracts from what is a good film on the inside.

Fantastic Four is a good movie to see, producing a different take on the ever more saturated superhero genre. The only thing that is disappointing is that there was so much more potential that is missed out on.

Number of times I looked at my watch: Three

Recommendation: It's worth a watch on Netflix.

I hope you enjoyed this review, please let me know what other movies you would like me to review.

Have a great day. Looking forward to your feedback.

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